As I'm sure you know, my treatment has been going well. I can't even remember when my last transfusion was. Prior to today I was down to blood tests once every 2 weeks and a clinic appointment roughly every 4 weeks.
I was in today for both the blood test and clinic. During my clinic appointment, my blood results came through: 124 for Haemoglobin, 81 Platelets and 2.44 for my neutrophils. That's a huge improvement since I first got taken to hospital several months ago on April 23rd with Haemoglobin at 43, platelets at 3 (I think) and neutrophils at 0.2ish. My counts still need to improve but I'm now pretty close to normal. My bone marrow results when I first had the biopsy were just under 5%, in relation to someone my age who would have around 80%. Mine are now at 30% which is great.
The doctor in my clinical appointment stated how pleased he was with my treatment. The next time I have to go to hospital is in 8 weeks!!!! 8 WEEKS! How mad is that?
I'm absolutely delighted with how well things have been going, and I'm finally used to not having my Hickman Line anymore. As I am clearly on the mend (touch wood), the need to continue with this blog has diminished. I expect and hope, that this will be my final post.
Thankyou to everyone who has been reading, sharing, visiting and wishing me luck. It's been really appreciated and I look forward to finishing this bizarre year on a high. So unless I relapse or something else grim happens, I won't be posting here again.
I will finish with some pictures to admire from this saga. Before I end, I would like to state that I will never be able to thank Kings Hospital and the Great British National Health Service enough.Without them I don't think I would be here now.
As much as I hate to say it, I couldn't be more thankful to my mum. She has refused to let me go to hospital on my own. I think I've been without her once in all these months. Cheers.
Being taken to hospital on April 23rd feels so long ago now. |
Goodbye my transfusion holding friend. |
Look how pale I was. |
Throwback to being scared of platelets. |
Thank you to those who donated blood. |
Remember when my sister let me down and wasn't a bone marrow match? |
That was a fun day. |
Form an orderly queue ladies. |
Pre Hickman Line surgery |
Post Hickman Line surgery |
Fairly self explanatory... |
My specialist nurse, Nana. Absolute hero. |
When I found out I had a heart. |
ATG treatment. |
I'm so funny it hurts. |
Released from hospital!! |
Aint no time like Blood time. |
Had to put a Graduation picture in. |
Hickman Line removal day! |
No more line. |
Thanks for reading. Goodbye :D